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The framed Enchanted Repose print honors the serenity that can be found in the wild. This shot of a large succulent allows the viewer to focus on each of the gently curving lines and repeated points of the leaves. Add this piece to your space and enjoy the way the beautifully clustered segments of this plant come together to form a whole.
Paper, Glass, MDF
Silver Frame
22"W x 37"H
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*Please note, some items include an additional assembly fee.
Deluxe delivery fees will increase for shipping addresses that are approximately 100 city miles or more from store locations. Enter your zip code before checking out or contact your local store to confirm the corresponding zone for your zip code.
The framed Enchanted Repose print honors the serenity that can be found in the wild. This shot of a large succulent allows the viewer to focus on each of the gently curving lines and repeated points of the leaves. Add this piece to your space and enjoy the way the beautifully clustered segments of this plant come together to form a whole.
The framed Enchanted Repose print honors the serenity that can be found in the wild. This shot of a large succulent allows the viewer to focus on each of the gently curving lines and repeated points of the leaves. Add this piece to your space and enjoy the way the beautifully clustered segments of this plant come together to form a whole.
Paper, Glass, MDF
Silver Frame
22"W x 37"H
We are only able to ship products when available in your nearest Distribution Center (DC). When you input your zip or postal code into our tracker, it allows us to see which items are available to reach you from your nearest DC. Some products will be ineligible to ship to your location based on availability in your nearest DC. We are not able to ship items from a split shipment, which includes products available in your nearest DC and a further DC. Some items may become available in your DC over time.
*Please note, some items include an additional assembly fee.
Deluxe delivery fees will increase for shipping addresses that are approximately 100 city miles or more from store locations. Enter your zip code before checking out or contact your local store to confirm the corresponding zone for your zip code.
Scandinavian Designs | 03-19-2025
*Prices and availability subject to change without notification.
Name Enchanted Repose |
SKU L33*LIBL0447 |
Price $79.00 |